We are your neighbors — united in our belief in creating a Lexington for Everyone, where families can find homes at a variety of prices, where everyone who wants a job can find one, where a vibrant quality of life reaches every zip code and neighborhood. Homes. Jobs. Equity. They are the foundation of strong families and successful communities.
Common-sense, balanced local land policies will provide access and opportunity that will lift up our neighbors at every stage of life and every segment of our community.
Together, we will not only preserve Lexington’s unique brand but positively build its future. Learn more and get involved.
Together, we can build a Lexington for Everyone.
Lexington for Everyone Board Members:
Ray Daniels, Equity Solutions Group
Raquel Carter, Guide Realty
Rob Shear, General Manager, SRC of Lexington
Reverend L. Clark Williams, Director of Ministry at Shiloh Baptist Church
Carla Blanton, Carla Blanton Consulting